Terms and Conditions - Training and Race Coaching
Training/coaching will be delivered by Bosham Sailing Club (BSC) in accordance with RYA Training Centre guidance, by appropriately qualified and experienced RYA instructors or race coaches.
All confirmed bookings must be paid for in full before commencing training.
Paid bookings may be cancelled for a full refund up to seven days after making a booking, or seven days before the event, whichever is earlier. After then, course fees are non-refundable. In the event that BSC have to cancel a course then alternative date(s) will be offered, and the participants reallocated onto a new course. If no suitable alternative date can be found, then BSC will refund the course payment.
All participants and visitors must read and understand, and then comply with, all government, RYA and BSC Covid-19 guidance before visiting BSC or conducting any activities at the club.
Instructors may exclude anyone from a particular session and evict anyone from the premises who refuses to comply with these terms, or who refuses to follow instruction, or who misconducts themselves in any way deemed to be unacceptable by the instructor, or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons or property.
Data protection
The information given by you on your booking will be used by BSC to process your registration, communicate with you or your dependents and for attending to participants on the courses. Your personal information will be stored and used in accordance with the BSC privacy policy.
BSC may take photographs and video footage of events/training for use in connection with the promotion of the club and our activities. If you do not consent to the use of such images, which may contain your dependent, please inform BSC at office@boshamsailingclub.com
Use of own boats
Own boats cannot be used for RYA dinghy or powerboat training at BSC without prior approval. BSC training boats will be provided unless stated. Own boats can be used for race coaching
If a participant is using their own boat for instructor-led training at BSC, they must:
- Ensure that it is comprehensively insured for the purpose in question for 3rd party liability to a minimum of £3 million.
- Ensure that the boat is seaworthy and provide the boat with all the equipment necessary for the weather conditions at the time
- Ensure the boat is able to be correctly rigged for the conditions and their ability
BSC staff/instructors reserve the right to refuse use of a boat which does not comply with these conditions with no recourse to a refund.
All precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants and boats, but due to the nature of learning, boats may sustain damage, and this is at the risk of the boat owner.
Age requirements
- Youth courses - 8 years or over on the day of the course. Children nearing 8 may be accepted at BSC's discretion. The parent/guardian must be comfortable that the child is capable of participating.
- Adult courses - 16 years and over on the day of the course.
- Powerboat courses - 12 years and over on the day of the course
Other requirements
All participants must:
- Wear clothing appropriate to the weather conditions during the training;
- Wear a suitable, correctly fitted, 50N buoyancy aid at all times when on or near the water. For powerboat training a suitable 150N self-inflatable life jacket is also acceptable. Students may use their own buoyancy aid or life jacket if the instructor deems it suitable;
- Wear suitable footwear such as sailing boots, flat soled water/sailing shoes or trainers. Wellington boots or flip flops/open toe sandals are not suitable for dinghy courses;
- Report immediately any injuries sustained during the course to BSC's staff
Risk Statement
Boating is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the training, you agree and acknowledge that:
- (i)You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport, including the effects of weather conditions and water quality, and you accept responsibility exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the training;
- (ii)You will comply at all times with the instructions of the instructor(s), particularly with regard to handling of boats on land, sailing areas, wearing of buoyancy aids and suitable clothing for the conditions;
- (iii) You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence;
- (iv) You will not participate in the training whilst you are under the influence of, or, your ability is impaired by alcohol, drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate.
- (v)The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance as can be practically provided in the circumstances;
- (vi) You have satisfied yourself as to your suitability and/or eligibility for the course you are attending and are physically fit to take part in the activity.
Participants under 18
By making a booking, the parent/guardian of all participants under 18 years of age at the date of the course confirm they have read and agree to the terms in this document and are duly authorised as the parent/guardian to agree to these terms. BSC accepts no liability for false, inaccurate, or misleading declarations.
Parents/guardians of under 18s must:
- Unless advised otherwise by the senior instructor, stay at BSC until their child/children are under the supervision of the instructor(s).
- Return to BSC at least thirty minutes before the session is scheduled to end or a time advised by the senior instructor.
- Ensure that an adult named as the participants emergency contact is contactable for the duration of the entire course and available to attend BSC at short notice, if requested to do so.
Parental Declaration
Under law, this participant is my dependent. By booking, I agree that my dependent may take part in this event/training.
I give permission to the organisers of this training to administer any relevant treatment or medication to my son/daughter when/if necessary. It is my responsibility to inform the organisers of any known conditions and medication requirements.
In addition, if the case arises, I authorise the organisers to take my dependent to hospital and give full permission for any treatment required to be carried out in accordance with the hospital's diagnosis. I understand that I shall be notified, as soon as possible, of the hospital visit and any treatment given by the hospital.
Updated Jan 2022
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024