Equality Policy
a) Bosham Sailing Club ('BSC', the 'Club') is strongly committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible, and equitable.
b) BSC aims to treat all visitors, members, instructors, coaches, volunteers, officials, competitors, event participants, employees, contractors and job applicants fairly and equally. This applies irrespective of age, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and parental status, race (including colour, nationality, ethnicity or national origin), religion or belief, trade union membership or work status.
c) No person connected with the Club will be disadvantaged by any conditions that cannot be justified as necessary on operational grounds.
a) Deliver activities at BSC to anyone who wishes to take part, within the constraints of the location, facilities, and the skills, experience and competencies of the staff and volunteers.
b) Provide the framework for everyone to participate according to their wishes or capabilities.
c) Ensure that training and coaching (whether under RYA, or other national schemes), or more informal activity, are as accessible as possible.
d) Create an environment where anyone coming into contact with the Club feels welcome, safe, and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment or victimisation.
a) The responsibility for the implementation of this Policy and the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 belongs to the Flag Officers of the Club, who shall keep the Policy under regular review.
b) The Flag Officers will consider any scenario in which the above Objectives are not achieved and review options and reasonable solutions to achieve those Objectives.
c) Appointments to paid or voluntary positions with the Club will be made on the basis of an individual's knowledge, skills and experience and the competencies required for the role.
d) The Club will amend regulations in relation to RYA training schemes which may inhibit the performance of candidates with special needs, provided that the standard, quality and integrity of schemes and assessments are not compromised. It is recognised that at present the Club does not possess certain specialist resources which may preclude the participation of persons with certain requirements.
e) The Club reserves the right under its Articles of Association, Byelaws and contracts of employment to discipline members, staff or volunteers who practice any form of discrimination in breach of this Policy.
If you have a question, complaint or issue associated with this Policy, please contact the Commodore via email, or any Flag Officer.
Richard Lewis, Commodore

Updated Jan 2023
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024