Environmental Policy
BSC Environmental Policy
Bosham Sailing Club is a sailing club run by the members for the members with five permanent staff. The Club runs racing for its members as well as functioning as a RYA training centre. Bosham Sailing Club's members enjoy the harbour when sailing, rowing and stand up paddleboarding. The sailing club's members also enjoy the harbour and travelling further afield in RIBS, powerboats, yachts and motorboats.
As an organisation that revolves around the harbour, Bosham Sailing Club understands that a healthy marine environment will benefit all and the long-term survival of the harbour as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. By acting responsibly and proactively caring for our local environmental area, we can reduce the impact we have on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable Chichester Harbour.
To achieve this we aim to:
- Meet all environmental legislation that relates to the operation of the clubhouse and dinghy park, and where possible identify opportunities to adopt best practice over and above the minimum legislative requirements.
- Minimise the use of electricity in all our activities, adopting energy-efficient technology and encouraging energy-saving behaviours.
- Reduce our consumption of water through improved water efficiency and avoiding unnecessary waste, particularly when cleaning boats.
- Ensure the Club manages all potential pollution risks to protect our local watercourses.
- Actively engage with Chichester Harbour Conservancy and our local community so that together we conserve and care for our unique harbour environments.
- Publicise BSC's environmental commitment both to members and to visitors in order to encourage sustainable behaviours.
- Promote sustainability in our events and regattas by following RYA green event guidelines.
- Consider the environmental credentials of our suppliers when procuring products, thereby encouraging other organisations to integrate sustainability into the operations.
- Encourage our suppliers, business partners and franchisee partners to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviours in their own business.
- Measure our performance and review this policy regularly in order to monitor and improve our progress.
Originated: May 2023.
Richard Lewis, Commodore
Date: 3rd January 2024
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024