Cadet Committee
BSC is fortunate in having a long history of Cadet participation in the Club and at the heart of this is the Cadet Committee which is made up of sixth formers (aged 16-18 years). It is headed up by a Cadet Captain and a Vice-Captain(s) who are elected each year by their peers during the course of Junior Week after a hard-fought election campaign! Key aims of the Cadet Committee are:
- Each member to take an active role in the club
- Take part in club sailing events
- Encourage the younger cadets in their sailing
- Run social events for the younger cadets
- Assist in the running of Junior Week
In addition, each member of the committee is assigned to one of 5 teams including Environment, Creative, Hospitality, Community and Social to give additional focus to key areas in and around the Club.
It is a fun and rewarding opportunity for our older cadets to be part of and something for our younger cadets to look forward to joining in the future.
2024/25 Cadet Committee:
Captain: Daisy Timberlake
Vice-Captain: Zac Shepherd
Committee Members:
Jack Warner
George Baker
Arthur Southall
Imogen Eastwood
Theo Green
Honor Purvis
India Eastwood
Margot Evans
William Temple
Ed Upton-Brown
For further information about the obligations and expectations of being a member of the Cadet Committee (and their parents!) 2023 Cadet Committee obligations and expectations.pdf
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024